Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Exciting day!

Hey everyone...

So today was quite exciting. We started the day by going to Frank Hsieh's campaign HQ...and in a random turn of events we hopped onto his "street sweep" parade and got an impromptu tour of Kaohsiung!

I've never seen so many firecrackers being lit up in my life! It was kind of like a war zone with how it sounded...but it was SO exciting.

We also had dinner with some students from Cheng Kung University (sp?). That was definitely a highlight...they were SO interesting to talk to!

Anyhow, it's really late and I should sleep now...a couple of us went to the night market and bought food...ended up chatting in Juliana & my room until now. :)


Mark Wu said...

What did the students say? I hope they're not Ma fans.

Unknown said...

Hey Angela!

I'm Abe, don't think I've met you before, but who knows, this small Taiwanese American world... I'm curious what were the "SO interesting" things you conversed about with the students from Cheng Kung University? What were there thoughts? Thanks to all of you on the Taiwan Tour, please keep on posting! I'm working on a pamphlet-book project concerning the Taiwan-China issue, for Taiwan's sovereignty, to help Taiwan's cause!, from the lay-person's perspective; I'm hoping it'll be done soon and available to order online. You can see preliminary excerpts at , and thanks in advance for any feedback!

Please say hello to Zoe & Eva for me!