Thursday, March 20, 2008

Some interesting photos

Central Park stop on the Kaohsiung MRT has the largest covering in all of Asia. It is designed by a European architect. It is an awesome stop with the theme of spring in KH so there are many yellow flowers in a field of grass on each side of the stop. In the first 8 days open, the KRT has received more than 2 million passengers, granted the rides are free for the first month. KH is encouraging its people to use public transportation as there are 1.5 million inhabitants with 1.1 million scooters!

Dome of Light at one of the stops on the Kaohsiung MRT, has not yet opened. An enormous glass painting (with more than 400 panels) by an Italian artist serves to bring international attention to Taiwan and also enriches the lives of Taiwanese people.

We got a tour of the Legislative Yuan where Meng-Yu and Kharis re-enact a typical occurrence--fighting between the legislators.


Mark Wu said...

The Central Park Station picture is really cool.

Anonymous said...

I confirm. I agree with told all above.

Anonymous said...

Please, keep to the point.